
Monday, July 7, 2008

Good movies start from good stories

Movies and books---the two passions in my life---need a good story. Countless bestsellers in books have been successfully made into cinematic legends. Some of my favorites are listed on the right.

"Am I reading a potential blockbuster?" I thought when I read this book recently. Whether it is or not, I will get into that later. Meanwhile, here's why you should read this book, given a chance:

Book name: Gods Behaving Badly

Author: Marie Phillips

Publisher: Vintage Books London

Date of publication: 2008

Theme of the story:

What would you do if you were invited to a tacky TV show hosted by none other than the great Greek god, Apollo? How would you react if you come to know that Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, and sexual rapture, is actually into phone sex? And the goddess Athena, twin sister of Apollo, the great huntress and protector of vulnerable, turns up at your doorstep asking if you need her to walk your dog?

This book captures all the above and even funnier situations involving gods and goddesses from Greek mythology. Even with their rapidly waning powers, their arrogant, spoilt, and vindictive attitude remains deftly stacked. They still delight in having fun at each others' and sometimes mortal's expense. Hence, the name --- Gods Behaving Badly.

The plot in the story:

Apollo is bored in the 21st Century. No one knows him, no one loves him and, for sure, no one worships him. One fine day, when he refuses to indulge a whim of Aphrodite, she decides to punish him by making him fall in love with a girl, who hates him in return.
This girl is Alice, a shy, nervous, meek cleaner. Alice has a crush on Neil, her mousy, geeky, architect friend. However, both would-be lovers still need to draw courage to express their feelings.
Enters in their sweet love story impossibly handome, ruthlessly persistent Apollo. He not only manages to lure Alice into his web, but also draws a wedge between her and Neil. But when everything seems to have turned Apollo's way, Alice rejects him because she opens up to her feelings for Neil. Angry, furious Apollo contrives to punish Alice for her rebuff and manages to get her killed!


Yes, that's right! Alice, the heroine, is killed.

  • So what happens to Neil?

  • What about Apollo? Does he repent what he did?

  • And what about Aphrodite? Does she pay the price of taking her revenge from Apollo?

  • Will the doomed lovers re-unite? Who will come and save the day?

To find out, read this book.

The price is reasonable (GBP 3.25, INR 273.00)

The book length is reasonable. And it's always fascinating to read about Greek mythology. If you're not a fan, you will undoubtedly become one after reading this.

The final analysis - movie or not?:

Not perhaps a movie, but a short TV series with dark comedy, definitely!

I can picture a family of eccentric gods and goddesses living in a dilapidated mansion, bickering with each other in clipped, sarcastic British accent, coming across wacky plots involving their run-ins with mortals, and escaping somehow with their dignity intact!
What do you think, Ms Phillips?

But till that's done, enjoy reading and dreaming.


1 comment:

Lata Sony said...

Very interesting! Sounds hilarious. and quite original, bet good stories make good reading, good movies, better understanding of all such mad, confusing and funny things like love and infatuation.